Best Universal life insurance in 2024

Hello there, fellow insurance explorer! Let’s dive headfirst into the world of universal life insurance. I promise, this won’t be as dry as a plain toast at a budget breakfast buffet. We’ll sprinkle in some humor and a pinch of wisdom to keep things interesting.

What’s This Universal Life Insurance All About?

Universal life insurance is like the chameleon of the insurance world. It’s got flexibility that can make a contortionist jealous. Unlike some other insurance policies that are as rigid as a board, universal life insurance offers you a unique blend of protection and investment.

The Two-in-One Deal

Imagine you have a pet parrot, Polly, who squawks “financial security” all day long. Universal life insurance not only covers your loved ones if you fly the coop early but also helps you grow a cash nest egg over time. It’s like getting a pizza with extra cheese and a side of garlic knots; you get both protection and potential cash value growth.

Cash Value: The Money Tree You Always Wanted

Now, let’s talk about cash value. Think of it as a magical money tree, but instead of green leaves, it sprouts cash. You pay your premiums, and a part of that money goes into this cash value thingy. It’s like planting a financial seed that grows over time. You can use this cash for various things, like paying premiums or even borrowing against it.

Flexibility Galore!

One of the coolest things about universal life insurance is flexibility. You can adjust your premiums and death benefits as if you were a magician waving your financial wand. Want to increase your coverage? Abra-cadabra! Need to lower your premiums for a while? Presto-change-o! Life throws curveballs, and universal life insurance helps you dance around them with ease.

A Word of Caution: Don’t Overcook the Soup

Now, here’s where we need to add a dash of seriousness to the recipe. Universal life insurance is like cooking soup. You don’t want to leave it on the stove too long, or it might boil over. If you don’t manage it properly, your policy could run out of cash value, leaving you with a financial mess.

9 Best Universal Life Insurance in 2024

1.Penn Mutual Universal Life Insurance:

Penn Mutual offers universal life insurance policies with various options for customization.

  • Pros: Strong financial ratings, dividends for policyholders, flexible premium payments.
  • Cons: Premiums may be higher compared to other insurers, limited online resources.

2.Pacific Life Universal Life Insurance:

Pacific Life provides universal life insurance policies known for their flexibility and investment potential.

  • Pros: Strong financial stability, diverse policy options, competitive cash value growth potential.
  • Cons: May have slightly higher premiums for certain policies.

3.Protective Universal Life Insurance:

Protective offers universal life insurance policies with customizable features.

  • Pros: Competitive pricing, flexibility in premium payments, strong customer service.
  • Cons: Limited online resources, not as well-known as some larger insurers.

4.Corebridge Financial Universal Life Insurance:

Limited information available; potentially a smaller insurance provider.

  • Pros: Unknown.
  • Cons: Limited information may indicate a less-established reputation.

5.Guardian Universal Life Insurance:

Guardian offers universal life insurance with various policy options and features.

  • Pros: Strong financial stability, customizable policies, competitive cash value growth.
  • Cons: Premiums may be higher than average, less widespread recognition.

6.Lincoln Financial Universal Life Insurance:

Lincoln Financial provides universal life insurance policies known for their flexibility and cash value growth.

  • Pros: Strong financial ratings, diverse policy options, competitive pricing.
  • Cons: Some policyholders may experience rate increases over time.

7.Mass Mutual Universal Life Insurance:

Mass Mutual offers universal life insurance policies with a focus on financial flexibility.

  • Pros: Solid financial stability, dividends for policyholders, competitive cash value growth.
  • Cons: Can be complex, potentially higher premiums for certain policies.

8.Mutual of Omaha Universal Life Insurance:

Mutual of Omaha provides universal life insurance policies with competitive features.

  • Pros: Competitive rates, strong customer service, diverse policy options.
  • Cons: Limited online features, potential for rate increases.

9.Prudential Universal Life Insurance:

Prudential offers universal life insurance policies with a focus on long-term financial planning.

  • Pros: Strong financial stability, diverse product range, competitive cash value growth.
  • Cons: May have higher premiums for some policies, complex policies.

Each of these universal life insurance providers has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to carefully consider your individual insurance needs and preferences when choosing the right one for you.

The Components of Universal Life Insurance

To understand universal life insurance better, let’s break it down into its key components:

  1. Death Benefit: Like all life insurance policies, universal life insurance provides a death benefit, which is the amount paid to your beneficiaries when you pass away. This money can be used to cover funeral expenses, outstanding debts, and provide financial security for your loved ones.
  2. Premiums: You’ll need to pay premiums to keep your universal life insurance policy active. These premiums can be flexible, allowing you to adjust the amount and frequency of payments within certain limits.
  3. Cash Value: Here’s where universal life insurance sets itself apart. A portion of your premiums goes into a cash value account, which is essentially a savings or investment component of the policy. This cash value has the potential to grow over time, and you can access it for various purposes.

The Flexibility of Universal Life Insurance

One of the most significant advantages of universal life insurance is its flexibility. It’s like having a custom-made suit for your financial needs. Let’s explore some aspects of this flexibility:

  • Premium Flexibility: With universal life insurance, you can typically adjust your premium payments. If you have a windfall and want to increase your payments to build up your cash value faster, you can. Conversely, if you hit a rough patch and need to reduce or skip payments for a while, you may have that option, as long as you have sufficient cash value to cover the costs.
  • Death Benefit Options: You can often choose between a level death benefit (where the payout remains the same throughout the policy) and an increasing death benefit (which grows over time). This allows you to align your coverage with your changing needs and circumstances.
  • Cash Value Access: Need a loan? Want to withdraw some cash? Universal life insurance policies often permit you to borrow against or withdraw funds from your cash value. Just be aware that doing so can affect your policy’s performance and reduce the death benefit.
  • Investment Choices: Some universal life insurance policies offer a range of investment options for your cash value, giving you the chance to potentially earn higher returns. However, with greater potential rewards come greater risks, so it’s essential to understand your investment choices thoroughly.

Types of Universal Life Insurance

There are several types of universal life insurance, each with its own features:

  1. Traditional Universal Life Insurance: This is the most straightforward type, with a fixed interest rate applied to your cash value. Your cash value grows steadily over time.
  2. Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL): With IUL, your cash value growth is tied to the performance of a stock market index, like the S&P 500. This offers the potential for higher returns, but also comes with the risk of market downturns affecting your cash value.
  3. Variable Universal Life Insurance (VUL): VUL policies allow you to invest your cash value in a variety of investment options, such as mutual funds. While this offers the potential for significant growth, it also exposes your cash value to market fluctuations.
  4. Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance (GUL): GUL provides a guaranteed death benefit without the investment component. It’s a simpler and more affordable option if you primarily want life insurance coverage.

Pros of Universal Life Insurance

Now that we’ve covered the basics let’s take a closer look at the advantages of universal life insurance:

  1. Lifetime Coverage: Universal life insurance is designed to provide coverage for your entire life, as long as you pay the premiums. This ensures that your loved ones will receive a death benefit when you pass away, regardless of when that happens.
  2. Cash Value Growth: The cash value component of universal life insurance has the potential to grow over time. This can serve as a savings or investment vehicle and may provide a source of funds for various financial needs.
  3. Flexible Premiums: Life is unpredictable, and universal life insurance acknowledges that. You can adjust your premium payments within certain limits to accommodate changes in your financial situation.
  4. Death Benefit Customization: You can tailor your death benefit to meet your evolving needs. Whether you want a level death benefit, an increasing one, or the ability to change it as circumstances change, universal life insurance can accommodate your preferences.
  5. Tax Advantages: The growth of your cash value is tax-deferred, meaning you won’t pay taxes on the earnings until you withdraw them. Additionally, the death benefit is usually paid out tax-free to your beneficiaries.

Cons of Universal Life Insurance

As with any financial product, there are also some drawbacks to consider:

  1. Cost: Universal life insurance can be more expensive than term life insurance, especially if you’re primarily interested in the death benefit and not the cash value component.
  2. Complexity: The flexibility of universal life insurance can also be a drawback. Managing the policy, understanding the different components, and making investment choices can be complex, and you may need professional guidance.
  3. Risk: If you opt for indexed or variable universal life insurance, your cash value is subject to market fluctuations. While this offers the potential for higher returns, it also carries higher risk.
  4. Interest Rate Changes: Traditional universal life insurance policies typically offer a fixed interest rate on the cash value, which may not keep pace with inflation or offer significant growth potential.

Tips for Choosing Universal Life Insurance

Now that you have a solid understanding of universal life insurance, here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

  1. Assess Your Needs: Start by evaluating your financial goals and insurance needs. Are you looking for lifelong coverage, cash value growth, or both? Understanding your objectives will guide your decision.
  2. Compare Policies: Universal life insurance policies can vary significantly in terms of costs, features, and investment options. Get quotes from multiple insurers and compare them carefully.
  3. Consider Your Risk Tolerance: If you opt for an indexed or variable policy, be honest about your risk tolerance. Investments come with ups and downs, and you need to be comfortable with the potential for market volatility.
  4. Work with a Financial Advisor: Universal life insurance can be complex, and it’s wise to seek guidance from a financial advisor or insurance expert. They can help you navigate the options and make informed decisions.
  5. Review Your Policy Regularly: Once you have a universal life insurance policy, don’t set it and forget it. Periodically review your coverage, cash value growth, and investment performance to ensure they align with your goals.


Universal life insurance is a versatile financial tool that can provide lifelong coverage, cash value growth, and flexibility tailored to your needs. However, it’s essential to understand the complexities, costs, and potential risks associated with this type of insurance. By carefully assessing your goals, comparing policies, and seeking professional guidance, you can make an informed decision about whether universal life insurance is the right choice for you. Remember, life insurance isn’t just about planning for the future; it’s about securing peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones today.